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[推荐] China Moves Swiftly to Close Chemical Plant After Protests

发表于 2011-8-15 23:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China Moves Swiftly to Close Chemical Plant After Protests Reuters

Police officers were deployed on Sunday as people protested and demanded the closing of a chemical plant in Dalian, China.

By KEITH BRADSHERPublished: August 14, 2011

HONG KONG — Municipal leaders in a northeastern Chinese port city quickly announced plans to shut down a chemical plant on Sunday after thousands of protesters confronted riot police officers and demanded that it be closed because of safety concerns, state news media reported.

The decision in the port city of Dalian, in Liaoning Province, represents an uncommonly rapid response by the authorities to public anger. Local officials elsewhere in China have typically avoided announcing decisions during demonstrations out of fear that it would only encourage more protests.
The chemical factory in Dalian manufactures paraxylene, a crucial ingredient in the production of polyester. Paraxylene vapor can cause eye and nose irritation and, in high concentrations, even lead to death. The chemical is widely known in China because protesters in Xiamen succeeded four years ago in persuading the municipal government there to move a planned paraxylene factory to a less densely populated area, in an early success for activists using cellphones and the Web to mobilize a community.
The chemical factory in Dalian sits just about 50 yards behind a sea wall. A tropical storm pushed ocean waves, some of them topping 60 feet, against the wall a week ago, breaching the barrier and raising worries that chemicals might leak from the factory. Panicked residents reportedly fled the area, only to return later and begin demanding the closing of the factory.
Xinhua, the state-run news agency, said Wednesday that Mayor Li Wancai of Dalian had announced that the sea wall had been repaired and that the chemical factory had not leaked, but would be relocated anyway. But Mr. Li gave no timetable then for the relocation.
The state-run China Central Television said the municipal government had decided Sunday afternoon to shut the factory down immediately.
Two people answering telephones at the Dalian Public Security Bureau on Sunday evening refused to discuss the protest or the chemical plant. They referred questions to the municipal government, where no one was answering the telephone.
The prompt announcement in Dalian may reflect the growing influence of the Internet. It has become much easier for people to communicate and to rally opposition to government policies through the use of microblogging sites like Sina Weibo, although heavy censorship was imposed by Sunday evening, with postings disappearing and some search terms related to the Dalian protest not working within China.
Numerous photographs posted on Sina Weibo showed large, peaceful crowds outside a municipal government building on Sunday, with rows of helmeted police officers in green uniforms blocking their path. Local protests in China are frequently more violent. The official newspaper China Daily reported Saturday that residents of Qianxi County in the southern province of Guizhou had injured “more than 10 police officers and security workers” and had smashed or set on fire 15 cars during a protest against urban inspectors.
Hilda Wang contributed reporting.

There is no detailed report for yesterday's protest for PX project in Dalian at domestic media,  fortunately ,we can get some information from NYtimes.
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